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SRS Hosts Tours For National Manufacturing Day
SRS Hosts Tours For National Manufacturing Day

October 6, 2017

SRS Hosts Tours For National Manufacturing Day

SRS recently opened its doors for the fourth year in a row to more than 40 students across three high schools for National Manufacturing Day with hopes of inspiring the next generation of manufacturers.

“Students were given a presentation on our capabilities and product portfolio; rotary unions and rotary timing valves, followed by a facility tour with live demonstrations showcasing a variety of our custom engineered solutions,” said SRS Sales & Marketing Manager Crystal Wiech.

“Everyone was really impressed with our operations and how clean and bright our manufacturing facility was.”

The students were also given a quick lesson on how to understand technical drawings that led into their next hands-on activity, to assemble rotary unions based on drawing specifications. Various measurements needed to take place in order to correctly identify each component before assembling.

“Everyone loved it so much… when something works that well, you want to do it again. Thanks for letting us return,” says Manufacturing Day Program Coordinator Evelyn Sabina.

About SRS

Scott Rotary Seals (SRS) designs and manufactures custom and off-the-shelf fluid rotary timing valve and rotary union products for a wide range of industrial applications. SRS's fluid sealing products provide reliable transfer of liquids and/or gases from stationary supply lines to rotating equipment.

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